About Quotation


Is the estimate free?

Yes, we provide the estimate and proposal for free.


What is included in the proposal?

It contains a diagram proposal with 2-5 PowerPoint slides and an estimate.


I heard that you implement a Web pre-proposal meeting (roughly an hour) prior to submission of a proposal. Is that required?

Yes, it's required. We conduct a pre-proposal meeting for all of our proposals in order to prepare a completely original plan based on a thorough understanding of the exhibitor's product and industry situation, what the exhibitor wants to accomplish at the exhibition, and other requests.


What should we tell you prior to receiving a proposal?

The proposal process goes smoothly if we receive the following items ahead of time.

  • ・Exhibition name (if you have not decided the exhibition yet, please share that with us)
  • ・Booth position (if your booth position has not been decided yet, please share that with us)
  • ・Budget
  • ・Catalog or web site information on the service or product being exhibited
  • ・Number of exhibited products, size, and weight (this information is not needed for a service)

How long does it take to receive an estimate and proposal?

We submit the proposal within 14 business days after the Web meeting day.


What do you include in the estimate?

It includes booth design costs, booth electrical work costs, rental item costs, setup costs, teardown costs, and transportation costs.
It does not include the exhibition fee or primary line work costs*.
*There are two main types of electrical installation work. The first is primary line work that distributes electricity to individual booths from the site power source by the exhibition organizer. The second is secondary electrical work that distributes electricity from the primary line within the booth by the decoration company. We prepare a wiring plan based on requests from exhibitors and handle the secondary electrical work.


Is it possible to confirm a rough price prior to the pre-proposal Web meeting?

Yes, it is.
If you review the following, you can confirm the cost level for booth design prior to the pre-proposal meeting.
The case studies detail page presents rough costs.
The pricing page shows the price range by booth size and how to read a quotation.


Is it possible to just receive an estimate?

We apologize but do not present just an estimate value (without a proposal).

About Your request


Do you meet face-to-face or in web meetings?

We only conduct web meetings. By only having web meetings, we reduce redundant tasks and realize rational pricing. Meanwhile, during the installation work, exhibition period, and teardown at the exhibition site, a dedicated person is constantly standing by near the booth. This operation ensures careful management of installation work and prompt response to issues. An important strength of ours is extensive analog support, in addition to digital support.


By when can we place a request for exhibition decoration in order to be ready for the event?

We can respond smoothly if the request comes four months prior to the exhibition. It is also possible to commit to an installation if the request arrives up to 10 weeks before the event at the latest. Please refer to the "flow of the request" for details.


Can you accept a request if there's just four weeks until the exhibition?

We're truly sorry but cannot accept a request at four weeks before the event.


Can we request an agent service for preparation of application forms?

Yes. We will prepare application forms that need to be submitted to the exhibition Secretariat as an agent. Since the types of documents and formats differ depending on the exhibition, our person in charge carefully explains the forms that must be submitted to the exhibitor.
For details, please refer to "04 Submission of application forms" under the "For first-time exhibitors" page.


Can we also request issuance of forms needed to apply for assistance?

Yes. We can do that. Please ask the person in charge for the forms you want and we will issue them in accordance with your request.


Can we ask you to handle electrical work?

We handle secondary electrical work.
There are two main types of electrical installation work. The first is primary line work that distributes electricity to individual booths from the site power source by the exhibition organizer. The second is secondary electrical work that distributes electricity from the primary line within the booth by the decoration company. We prepare a wiring plan based on requests from exhibitors and handle the secondary electrical work.


Does the estimate include primary electrical work costs?

No, it does not include those costs. Our wiring work costs only cover secondary electrical work costs. The bill for primary electrical line work costs comes from the exhibition organizer or the organizer's electrical work company. You often have to pay the charge at the same time as submitting the electricity application.


Can we request only printed materials?

We do not accept requests for just printed materials. If you request booth design, however, we will introduce you to an optimal cooperating company that makes pamphlets and designs various materials for distribution. Since we do not receive any fees, please communicate your requests directly to the design company.


Can you handle installation work for an overseas exhibition?

Yes. We can support exhibits at overseas exhibitions.
We currently conduct booth installations mainly in the ASEAN region and Thailand. We also accept consultations for the US and Europe on a case-by-case basis.


We want to have meetings directly with local employees. Can you handle languages other than Japanese?

Yes, we can provide that support. We will arrange interpretation for meetings in a desired language besides Japanese and English. We also do our best to avoid communication trouble.

About Equipment and Other arrangements


Can you arrange equipment besides the booth structure?

Yes, we can do that. We can arrange a business discussion table, catalog stands, and other equipment needed at exhibitions.


Can we bring equipment?

Yes, that's fine. We will help you set up explanation panels and other presentation items.


Can we ask you to select lighting units?

Yes, let us handle it. We will propose an ideal lighting plan that attractively presents the booth design and displayed products ranging from lights with strong illumination that light the entire booth to spot lights that light explanation panels.


Can we ask you to handle Internet wiring in the booth too?

Yes, can handle that. If you provide instructions for the places you want LAN, we will arrange the cable and wiring work.


We want to have a seminar. Can you arrange audio equipment and other items?

Yes, we can arrange to. We will prepare the microphones, speakers, and displays to accommodate the seminar size. Since holding seminars heavily influences the booth design, please tell us what you want for the seminar format, in addition to equipment arrangement, at the meeting.


Can we leave packaging and other materials with you during the exhibition?

We can accommodate it if you consult with us ahead of time. Please tell the person in charge about the size and volume of packaging at the meeting.


I'm not sure how to send exhibit items to an overseas location. Can you handle the procedures for us?

Yes, we can act as your agent for the procedures. Please feel free to speak to the person in charge at the meeting. For details, please refer to "Clients planning to exhibit from Japan to Thailand" under the "For first-time exhibitors" page.


Can we ask you to arrange an interpreter?

Yes, we can arrange this service. Depending on your request, we can arrange a variety of interpreters from those who speak two languages or three languages to those with extensive industry knowledge


Can we ask you to arrange overseas hotels and airline tickets?

We apologize but arranging overseas hotels and airline tickets is not within the scope of our services. We ask exhibitors to arrange that on their own. Since there is a possibility of reservations filling up early depending on the period, we recommend making reservations promptly once you've decided to exhibit.

About Payments and Contracts


When do we pay for decoration costs?

We request 100% upfront payment at the timing of the official request. The person in charge will issue an invoice once we receive contact of your request. Please sign the invoice and transfer the money to the designated account.


What needs to be done to officially request booth design?

Please send us an email once you decide to exhibit. The person in charge will issue you the invoice.
Your contract is official once we confirm the payment in the designated account and the signature on the invoice.



This is our first exhibition and we don't know what to prepare.

Don't worry. There's no limit to our free consultation prior to the request. Please contact us about anything. As exhibition professionals, we want to eliminate your psychological worries. Please refer to For details, please refer to "For first-time exhibitors" to confirm the flow until the exhibition.


Can we have food and drinks in the exhibition site?

There's often a food/beverage corner in the exhibition site. Facilities within the site have restaurants and food/beverage area. You can utilize these sites for business discussions outside of the booth and lunches.

Service features and rates

Download service materials

Booth production professionals
provide detailed support.

Consultation regarding usage
(no charge)