Reasons for selection ❶

Inexpensive pricing


Low-cost support possible
as a company specializing in booth design

Reason for inexpensive pricing ①

Rigorous cost management

We realize many cost savings, including no sales personnel,
capital investments focused on booth design, and reuse of waste materials.

capital investments focused on booth design, and reuse of waste materials.

Over 85% of our sales come from repeat customers. Since new customers come only through our website or by referral, our employees do not need to spend money on sales activities, which allows us to offer reasonable prices.

Reduction of fixed costs by limiting capital investments to booth design

We specialize in booth design and reject requests for pamphlet and explanatory panel designs. However, we can introduce partner companies, and you can feel comfortable that we do not take a commission for introduction. While exhibitors might find it inconvenient that we do not handle overall designs, this approach enables us to concentrate our efforts on decoration work and provide exhibit booths at inexpensive pricing.

Curtailment of waste materials and thorough reuse

We produce materials for wood booths in a manner that facilitates reuse and curtails material costs and take steps to deliver inexpensive booth design as much as possible. Wood structures are effective in creating designs with a high level of freedom. Reuse, however, is difficult, and there are many cases in which materials are simply thrown away in the teardown process. This is one of the causes of expensive prices for wood structures. We promote utilization of reusable materials and strive to avoid cost burden on exhibitors as much as possible.

Almost no wasteful work and personnel errors due to thorough structuring

We have endeavored to make improvements that reduce wasteful tasks for many years. An important improvement area has been elimination of tasks that rely on a certain person as much as possible by developing tasks frameworks and sharing information that involves all employees. We manage information on PCs in the same way for everyone's files and immediately share obtained information so that it can be used by everyone. Documents and blueprints use the same written format. This eliminates time spent by designers to explain content to production and also almost entirely eliminates missing contacts and transmission of information. Thanks to the resulting high work yield, we can offer inexpensive proposals to customers.
Furthermore, we have fostered a corporate culture of naturally helping each out and have excellent team work because these daily improvements are not driven by top-down orders from the president but instead by autonomous efforts of employees. We pride ourselves on inexpensive provision of high-quality booth proposals to customers no matter who is the designer and robust site support.

Capital Investment Reduces Work Time

We are regularly investing in equipment to increase our production capacity, which is leading to more efficient operations and shorter working hours, which in turn leads to in-house production and cost reductions.

Detailed support of exhibitors with an assigned person

Another reason for our ability to provide booth designs at low prices is the assignment of a single person per exhibitor to provide support from the initial inquiry until the exhibition finishes. Typical operations are decoration companies consist of sales, design, and accounting divisions, and multiple people are involved per exhibitor. In our case, however, the single person handles sales, design, and accounting issues as a one-stop source of support. We successfully curtail personnel costs by not having multiple staff members involved per project. Customers highly rate our system of assigning one person per project because of the effectiveness of a single contact point.

Reason for inexpensive pricing ②

Direct transactions with exhibitors

We provide booths at suitable prices through direct transactions with exhibitors.

There are two main methods of requesting exhibition booth design.

Customers either place an order with a construction company via an advertising agency or directly place an order with the construction company.

The benefit of placing an order with a construction company via an advertising agency is total coordination that ranges from proposals to make exhibition booths and web sites to production of company introduction flyers and novelty items. For the person on the corporate (customer) side, there is an appeal of receiving everything in a unified design taste just by meeting with the agency person and resulting alleviation of workload by not having to explain the situation to each supplier that makes it easier to focus on core work.

Especially in the case of a project that is large in scale and involves multiple departments, the presence of an agency representative who coordinates the entire project is appreciated.

The disadvantage, meanwhile, is the tendency to lack extensive specialized knowhow in each area despite having a basic understanding. Regarding exhibitions, for example, it is likely to be difficult for the agency person to give detailed instructions that adequately consider where signs should be placed relative to the exhibition booth position so that they are easily seen by visitors and how the sign should be designed to get visitor attention.

On the other hand, the benefit of direct order placement to a construction company is the ability to directly communicate the thoughts of the person in charge to the designer and thereby ensure that the communicated ideas are strongly reflected in the booth design. Also, the ability to directly inquire with a person who has extensive knowledge and experience in the industry facilitates quicker access to a suitable answer. For companies exhibiting at an exhibition for the first time, in particular, this is highly beneficial as the person in charge works within a limited amount of time and budget while handling normal work considering frequent occurrence of uncertainties about the schedule, costs, and application tasks.

The disadvantage is that many firms do not accept production requests for pamphlets and explanation panels used at exhibitions.

We also do not handle requests for pamphlet production and other tasks as a company that specializes in exhibitions. However, we have a network in the industry and can make introductions to companies suited to requests.

  Our company
Exhibition Booth Design Japan
Company A
Japanese decoration companies
Company B
Asian decoration companies
Zoom meeting
Attract customers    
Same day reply    
Finished booth  
Guaranteed delivery date  

Reason for inexpensive pricing ③

Simple pricing

Transparent estimating and costing eliminated all waste.

Clear fee schedule that does not confuse you

We strive to offer straightforward estimates that enable customers to quickly understand "how much it costs for each portion." We therefore do not present estimate items with rough amounts, such as "package price," and instead input individual prices. For sign printing, we show the price of each one.
Our estimate covers design costs, proposal costs, flooring, walls, display stands, signages, electrical work, transportation costs, installation, and leased item rental fees.
Items not included are main line construction costs and electricity usage fees.
We carefully explain each item included and not included in the estimate.

Estimate without jargon

Our estimates utilize expressions that can be easily understood even by a first-time exhibitor. This means switching from special industry words to commonly used words and otherwise striving to submit an estimate that can be easily understood.
We think presenting estimate items in a manner that customers quickly understand enables exhibitors to place orders with confidence. Our ability to achieve this comes from being a specialist exhibition booth design firm.

We deliver support exceeding customer needs
within the price scope!
Do you fully understand decoration firm services that are difficult to confirm in the estimate?
We accommodate the following support
for free.

Service features and rates

Download service materials

Booth production professionals
provide detailed support.

Consultation regarding usage
(no charge)